A Look at the Typical Loan Process

Our goal is to close loans as quickly and efficiently as possible. The typical timeframe to close a loan, from start to finish, is 21 days. While we are constantly working to optimize this process, it is entirely dependent on the cooperation of the Borrower, Title Company/Attorney Office, Evaluation Company, and the Lender. Collectively, we are all working together to achieve the end goal - funding your loan.

Typical steps in the process:

  1. Complete the Loan Application

  2. Pay the Loan Application Fee

  3. Submit the Rehab Bid

  4. Order the Evaluation/Appraisal

  5. Receive Conditional Loan Approval

  6. Ensure all Documents Requested are Submitted

  7. Submit Loan Package to the Underwriter

  8. Order Title and Insurance

  9. Collect any Additional Documents Requested

  10. Re-submit to Underwriter

  11. Receive Loan Approval

  12. Complete Legal Review

  13. Assign Funds to Deal

  14. Closing Documents are Drafted

  15. Closer Confirms Closing Details

  16. Clear to Close

  17. Final HUD Statement Created

  18. Borrower Reviews HUD

  19. Closing

  20. Funds Released!

If you are ready to start the application process now, please complete the form located here: Private Money Request.